antlia felixhaven

au ra — 18 — tumet adopted son


cards close to the chest

age18 (post-DT)
gendermale (he/him)
racexalea ra en
  • Originally a member of the Tumet tribe

  • adopted by Pyxis and Raubahn at the age of 16

  • still wary of new people, but getting better and not just shutting them out entirely

gendernonbinary (she/they)
  • the ffxiv oc hoard grows ever larger

  • works in tech by day and occasionally writes by night

  • the worldbuilding itch can never be fully scratched


tales no-one asked

the steppe At ten summers old, children of the Tumet tribe are tied to a tree deemed sacred by the elders. Moving to the next location, these Au Ra are expected to break free of the binds that chain them to their past, and follow in the footsteps that bring about not only theirs but their whole family's future. Still referred to as 'hey, you', Antlia was sure that he knew what path to follow. After all, his family had been dropping hints for an entire season, and they wouldn't have lied to him - right? The parents who never praised him for a job well done? Who barely recognised his existence outside of laborious tasks? Who didn’t shed a tear with the other parents when they turned their back on him?

chance meeting


outreaching hand

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